Joyful Movement

Welcome to my blog. I've designed this site as a resource for existing and potential bodywork clients, and anybody else who has an interest in improving their relationship to their body.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Support a Good Cause, Get a Mini-Rolfing® SI Session!

For those of you who climb at the Pacific Edge Climbing Gym, I will be offering 15-20 minute Rolfing SI sessions by donation to benefit the Access Fund during the 20th Anniversary Member's Party. I'll post a sign-up sheet at the front desk.

Sign up early--sessions are limited and they get snapped up quick!

Date: October 26, 2013
Time: 5-8 (Party starts at 4)

I hear that it's a Lycra-and-Big-Hair 90's Retro kind of shindig. Kind of soon to relive the trauma of those years, IMHO, but some of you youngsters won't mind.

A Modest Video Introduction to Rolfing® SI

Monday, April 15, 2013

Osteopathic Medicine and Rolfing® SI

Doctors of Osteopathy (D.O.'s) in the U.S. are medical doctors with additional expertise in Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine (OMM). You may be wondering what a D.O. can do, so I'll highlight a few key points:

  •  D.O.'s focus on treating the whole body and on preventive care. This means a D.O. looks beyond symptoms and seeks the root causes of illness or disease. In addition to the regular treatment you may find with a typical M.D., a D.O. seeks to enhance overall health to support healing.

  •  D.O.'s use OMM--a hands-on treatment--to support the goals of better health and faster healing. It feels very gentle and is done while the patient is fully clothed. OMM is mainly concerned with improving fluid flow: blood, lymph, and cerebrospinal fluid. These fluids must be able to flow freely through your body or disease, injury, and illness result.

*Note: traditional medicine may not detect problems with your body's circulation of fluids until an obvious symptom arises (like a sickness). The most efficient way to detect those issues is with touch. Just good old-fashioned hands-on palpation. D.O.'s are trained in this touch.

  •  Rolfing® SI dovetails wonderfully with OMM in that structural alignment--the main goal of Rolfing SI--helps to support and maintain good fluid flow. The human body, among other things, is a series of fluid pumps separated by pressure membranes. In an organized body, walking and breathing generate the mechanical pressure needed to pumps fluids efficiently into and out of all of its tissues. 

If your ankles have ever swollen during a long plane ride, you have experienced the consequence of a fluid imbalance. The remedy? Walking. The muscle contractions in your legs pump the lymph fluid out.

 Side-effects of an organized body are ease of movement, a feeling of lightness, and a sense of groundedness at the same time. Since our minds and bodies are inextricably linked, feeling good in your body has profound effects emotionally and psychologically. Dr. Ida Rolf, the progenitor of Rolfing Structural Integration, stated as her goal for the work the full realization of human potential.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Nerves and Rolfing

I've just finished a four-day workshop on Nerve Manipulation. As usual, workshops taught by Rolfers™ open my eyes to whole dimensions that were right before me all the time, but somehow eluded detection.

I'd like to formally issue a Recall Notice to any and all clients that I have ever treated for hip pain, low back pain, plantar fasciitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, thoracic outlet syndrome, numbness or tingling anywhere, sciatica, neck pain, and etc (there's more, but I'll stop there) because there was probably nerve impingement involved and I now have mo' better tools in my kit.

I'm only partially kidding, by the way.